
Definition: Mommy Moment

It occurred to me that I named this blog, "Another Mommy Moment," without explaining what that really means.

A mommy moment is what happens when you work 365 days a year without a vacation.

A mommy moment is being able to remember your daughter's lunch, her favorite doll, her Dora backpack, extra diapers, her blankie and a sippy cup to daycare, but forgetting where in God's name you put your keys.

A mommy moment is being on the verge on tears in the parking lot at the grocery store because your toddler refuses to get in her carseat.

A mommy moment is hiding your daughter's favorite bedtime story because you just can't muster the strength to read it for the 1,000th time.

A mommy moment is getting dressed only to realize that none of your clothes fit right and the ones that do are from your maternity stash.

What would you describe as a mommy moment?


Life with Diapers... said...

A Mommy Moment? I had one last night...
I spent many hours trying to get my little guy back to sleep with no luck. I was exhausted and needed to sleep (both hubby and I work full time) I ended up stocking his crib with binkies, stuffed animals and tuning his TV to Disney so he could just sit there and entertain himself. And I went to sleep.

Gina said...

A Mommy Moment...
When he sneezes after a bit of puree, covering you in a mist of bananas... then smiles really big...
When wriggles away while nursing, finds your arm and gives you a hicky instead of eating off the boob...
When he finds something he wants and makes a b-line for it in his robot crawling way... then you have to take it from him cuz it's not for babies...
When the kid is finally asleep and suddenly you miss him...