Why is it that my daughter won't eat regular food, but she has no problem shoving Play-Doh in her mouth???

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lol yup I think that is toddlers everywhere!!
Lol, how old is your little one, she's beautiful.
LOL Nicholas had himself some yellow play-doh 2 days ago. Must have tasted good, he didn't complain or get sick. BUT come dinner time and it's hell at this house....I don't think I can get either one of the kids to eat much of anything, yet 10 minutes later they are asking for snacks. GRRRR!!! LOL
I'm guessing it is the lack of texture that makes it seem OK. Of course she didn't actually chew and swallow it did she?
Oh, and the "real" answer is, because it is in the toddler membership rule book that every toddler must do this (at least) once.
all i know is that i'm loving the hair. too-too cute.
Obviously, it's because you WANT her to eat real food and don't WANT her to eat the play-doh! Sorry mom.
Maybe you can hide a piece of broccoli in the middle of the playdough. Just a thought.
Your daughter is beautiful. Love that hair!
I never was one for playdoh...but paste....OH yeah. Gimme some of that sticky goodness.
:):) (your daughter is stunningly gorgeous, btw!)
There is a recipe for read edible play dough out there lol I agree with jaymonster it is probably because of the lack of texture that she is willing to eat it.
What an adorable little girl! How funny that she is eating playdough.
Yeah, go fig. Just get some flour and water and stir it up to play doh consistency and feed her that! ha ha.
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