I've know you've all been on the edge of your seat waiting for me to reveal my mystery star sighting.
Well, most of you were right. It was Ben Affleck!!
I told you my clever opening line, right? "So where are Jay and Silent Bob?" For some reason, I thought I was the only one who saw "Mallrats," or "Chasing Amy," and surely Ben would find my comment brilliant. Not so much!
He did turn to me and smile and then gently patted my back like a mom pats her child on the head when they've just said something silly. His smile was amazing.
He was with a bunch of friends, one of which I recognized as a celeb but I just couldn't place him. My friend told me it was the dude from "Erin Brokovich." Aaron Eckhart was his name. The best part is they were meeting their friend Joaquin.
Ben was absolutely delicious. He joked with me about not getting enough coverage in the teen mag industry. He wanted to know who was on our cover that month and why we never contacted him. I tried to be charming, but failed miserably.
Eventually their waitress came over and pretty much kicked us out. The V.I.P area we were in was closing down so that Ben and his Hollywood friends could enjoy some privacy. Must be nice being famous!!
Ever since that meeting, I've been in love with Ben. He was so gracious, I thought he could do no wrong. Then he up and fell in love with JLo. What an ass!
Still, he'll always be my first.
He patted you on the back?!?! I am dying here. Love the pic you chose to post of him. yummy.
i totally agree that you could not have picked a better picture! WOW!
And if this was a pre-J Lo meeting than he was still cool! WOO! Go you! thank you for sharing!
Wow. Nice picture. that's all I have to say.
He's currently kicking around Mass directing some movie. He's within easy driving distance to me! But something tells me I wouldn't get close enough to get a pat on the back.
And I would have said, "Hey Ben. You're suspect."
~drools~ even though I guessed wrong, ~drools~
But hasn't he redeemed himself with Jennifer Garner? I don't know much about her but she's gotta be 100x better than J-lo.
Oh no way.....I would have been a mess around him LOL I love Ben Affleck, he's such a sweet guy. GO YOU :)
Please tell you you never washed that shirt again?
Great picture you posted. YUMMY
Karla totally took the words out of my mouth...
Oh how lucky!
I, too, was in love with him until the whole J-Lo thing. He lost a lot of my admiration after that!
Oh delicious! Mr. Affleck is my boyfriend. If he was sporting some facial hair, I would have gone completely ga ga. You are one lucky lady!
Was Matt with him? Cause he is truly hunky!
I still remember meeting Neil Young in a restaraunt so many years ago it is painful to admit..but I still love to tell my 'I met Neil Young story' every chance I get....in fact I think I will need to bloggity blog about it!
Ben Affleck is HOT! I was totally thinking this was a made up story until I read the comments. LOL!
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