
Taking it Day By Day

First of all, I have to apologize to whoever has come to this blog in the past couple weeks. My posting has been sporadic at best and not very interesting. I am struggling to stay afloat. This pregnancy is kicking my ass and I'm only 6 weeks in.

I went to the doctor on Wednesday and I actually left feeling more anxious than before. He did an internal ultrasound and said that he thinks I may actually be less than 6 weeks, which scares me a little. The same thing happened with my miscarriage. I went in thinking of was a certain number of weeks and I wasn't. A few days later the bleeding started.

Also, the doc thought he saw two eggs!!! Yes, you read that right, two mothereffing eggs. When he moved the probe thingy around more he said it was probably just one, but that he wasn't positive. Dear blog readers, if I end up having twins you will witness the first ever virtual nervous breakdown because I WILL go crazy.

Anyway, it looks like the baby is hiding and he couldn't get a strong heartbeat so he wants me to come back in 2 weeks. I asked about my first miscarriage and he assured me that everything looks fine, but that basically you never know. Thanks doc!

Back to my apology. Every night I sit with laptop in hand and try to muster the energy to read through all of my favorite blogs. Kristen, GGC, Chelle, Nicole, Christina, CMHL, Mom-101, Izzy, HBM, Domesticator, Jaime, JuliaBohemian, Chicky Baby, Sandra, Mrs. Fortune, Sunshine Scribe, Jana, Mommy Off the Record, Mama of 2, MIM, Meg, and everyone else on my blogroll that I am too lazy to type in right now; I have not been visiting you lately because all I can do is curl up on the couch and pray that this sick feeling goes away. I have not had the energy to do ANYTHING. Seriously, my house is a mess, the laundry is piling up and I fell asleep today while my daughter watched a video. Bad mommy, but I am beat! Just know that I am thinking about you every night and wondering what fantastic stories I am missing out on.

Between working and taking care of a 3 year-old, I feel like I am 65 years old. The nausea begins at sun up and continues until sundown. I get a few quick breaks but there's a constant knot in my throat. This sucks people!! How am I going to make it through the next few weeks?

So if you haven't seen me updating or commenting on your blog, don't get mad, don't forget about me, I am probably just dozing off in a corner somewhere. I will be back to normal soon (I hope!) I hope everyone who is going to BlogHer has a fabulous time and I can't wait to read all the stories.

Oh, and my contest over at Lollipop is almost over. The deadline is July 30 so if you're interested in winning a really great book, stop over and submit your essay. I've gotten some really great entries so far.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there! Being sick is good. Just think of it as meaning the baby is growing...

I know. Sucky way to make you feel better.

But, I've been there.

cmhl said...

girl, don't worry about visiting me or other blogs, just take care of YOU! we will all still be htere when you are feeling a little bit better!

dennis said...

I would not feel guilty about not posting. I would feel guilty if you pushed yourself to do something that made you feel worse.

Hoping you feel better soon!

Chicky Chicky Baby said...

I could barely move my head off the couch during my first trimester, so don't stress over the blog or the comments. Take care of yourself and your adorable little girl. And MU is right, if you're feeling sick that's usually a good sign.

Now, go get some rest.

Anonymous said...

Ok for real ... take care of you. I know how stressful you must feel. Until you know it is all ok, you are going to be tense. Feeling yucky cannot help, but it may be a good sign that your body is going through the changes it needs to keep your baby safe :)

We miss you of course, but want you to be rested and feel good :)

Awesome Mom said...

Don't feel bad about falling asleep like that. I used to to it all the time when I was pregnant with Harry. Don't worry about how your house looks just worry about taking care of you and your daughter. The housework will be there later when you feel better.

Cristina said...

What everyone else said. Take care of yourself, don't worry about visiting and commenting, reserve your energy, post when you can, and we'll all be checking in to see how you're doing. No worries.

I had horrible nausea as well and it is awful! But like Chelle said, feeling sick is a good sign that everything a-ok with the baby. :)

Mama of 2 said...

Please don't every apologize for being MIA. We all have done it and really sweetie your reason is one of the best!

I can sympathize with how you are feeling right now. WHen I was pregnant with Girlie Girlie I felt like someone kicked me in the ass. It was much harder to function during my second pregnancy versus my first. I guess cause with the first I could come home from work and just collapse since I was fairly certain hubby could attend to himself..but with the second there was Little Man to think about. He was 7 years old then and he needed my help with a myraid of things during the evening.

My best suggestion to you is take care of yourself the best you know how. On the days you feel up to it do what you need to get done but on days when you feel lousy...well the work will still be there.

You will be in my prayers that all is well and as for the having twins part good luck with that.

chichimama said...

As everyone else said, symptoms are a good sign. Get lots of rest. Keep thinking happy, positive thoughts!

Meg said...

I understand more than you can ever know. My pregnancy went the same way (sick-wise, not the possible twin thing). I had no energy and was sick constantly. So I completely understand why you're not blogging.

Don't call yourself a bad mom! J is old enough to understand that you don't feel good.

And as my doctor told me, as long as you continue to be nauseous, it's a good sign that everything is ok with the baby.

Sandra said...

Hang in there my friend. We are all cheering for ya. Just do what your body needs to do. Sending all my good vibes your way!

Anonymous said...

I was so sick for the first four months I was pregnant with Oliver I could hardly get off of the couch. It was just bloody awful. Don't apologize for a second about being tired or not being able to visit blogs -- you just take care of you and your little one. Hang in there.

Oh, and I have to agree with the other commenters -- nausea, while it sucks, is a very good sign that the baby is doing well. My doctor always told me, "The sicker the mom, the healthier the baby."

Jana said...

I will say a prayer for you. I know the nausea can be debilitating - I had it really bad with #2, #3 and #4! Take care of yourself and don't worry about anyone else right now!

Christina_the_wench said...

We could never forget about you, girl! Hang in there and know that you are in our prayers.

Damselfly said...

OMG, twins!!

I cannot imagine having to take care of a three-year-old *and* dealing with a new pregnancy and the sickness. I feel for ya.

Christina said...

Hey, you're pregnant, which makes you so tired, and you have a toddler. It's understandable. Don't worry, take care of yourself, and we'll be here.

ms blue said...

I think of you often and my husband recently asked how you are doing. I had to show him the gorgeous photos from the wedding!

Squeeze in every bit of rest that you can and save your energy for J.

Unknown said...

I remember that feeling. I'm sure you remember that you should start getting at least a LITTLE more energy come month 4 or so. Crossing my fingers for you! And I'd have a breakdown if I had twins, too! LOL.

Dr. Grumbles said...

Sounds like you have some serious symptoms, and that is a good sign that things are continuing! I hope that appt in 2 weeks leads to a nice clear heartbeat!

Jaelithe said...

What everyone else said. Take care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Awww, you poor thing! feeling like that sucks, but just remember that it will pass in a few weeks, and then you'll be able to enjoy the rest of your pregnancy!!