
I Got Stung By a Venomous Catepillar!!

I can't friggin believe this but I got stung by a Saddleback catepillar and it's poisonous!!!

That's what the little sucker looked like. Can you believe it? I got stung on my underarm and it hurts like a mofo. I have a rash and my arm is swollen at the spot.

Only me!!


Anonymous said...

Yikes!! What do you do about that?? Do you have to see a doctor, or just wait for the rash to go away?? And where the heck where you that you got stung by that thing??? Ewww...

Anonymous said...

I had no idea that caterpillars stung?!?!? Hope you recover quickly!

chichimama said...

I had no idea a catipiller could do that! Hope you are feeling better soon...

Unknown said...

I knew I hated those hairy little muthers for a reason...

Mama of 2 said...

I have never even seen such a thing. Are they in all areas of the US or just certain parts? That way I will be on the lookout for this little critter!

Meg said...

I've never heard of that happening! I hope you feel better!