1. I curl up on the couch with my laptop and browse all of my favorite photography websites. Ladies like Maile at Relish, Kate at Juxtapose, Jessica from Jessica Claire Photography are all so inspiring. There are so many more blogs I have found and fallen in love with over the last few weeks, it would take me hours to link to them all. I stalk them for advice, for clues, for insight and to spark my own creativity. The only problem is that I end up spending so much time looking at other people's blogs that I don't actually get any work done. I promised myself that I would learn Photoshop and so far I haven't played with it at all.
2. Somewhere in between reading and watching television (my fave show right now is Friday Night Lights!), I get up to make one of these yummy treats.

When was the last time you had a S'More? Mmmmm! I've had one every night since Sunday. I can't stop myself!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
oh my lordie...the mention of FNL and s'mores in the same post...i do believe i might be in love with you!!
Ooh, that looks tasty - do you make them in the microwave?
Mmm, how did you make that? Or did I not read closely? I am multi-tasking right now, after all.
Going to Disneyland? Do you have a traditional carrier for little J? i.e. pouch, mei tai, wrap, ring-sling. I've been taking H since he was 3 months old and that includes not liking the stroller in the early days, but being a baby in a over-stimulating environment, he would fall asleep in the stroller and then GID and I would just sit, relax or eat and people watch (only one child) while he slept.
All I have to say is take advantage of the Baby Station - at Disneyland CA it's at the end of (as you walk toward Sleeping Beauty's Castle) Main Street on the right. They have a nursing area, diaper changing area, potty training toilets and in worse-case scenerios, supplies for purchase. Plus on a hot day, it's so cool in there!
And ask about the ride swapping thing for parents. I forgot the official name for it right now, but instead of having to stand in the line a second time the parents can swap.
Finally, if you haven't been in a while, take advantage of the fast passes for the rides. Makes for a happier toddler on the Buzz Light-year ride in this family!
Hope you don't mind my unsolicited advice. Can you tell we love our visits!
I'm addicted to photography websites as well. Kate at Juxtapose is my favorite (she's a really cool person too!) but I'm always looking for new ones -- so thanks for the links!
i just put together stacymae76, with your blog! Duh...takes me a while! I've been here many times. I love your blog too!
those s'mores look mighty tasty indeed!
I think I found a new photo favorite through you, I'll have to look at Kate's archives! Thank you!
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