Big J just had to cover them with sprinkles. And I mean really cover them!

If I hadn't burned the cookies they probably would've tasted really good.

My hubby got me beautiful pink hydrangea and he also got Big J pink roses. She absolutely loved them! We had tons of candy in the house, which I loved. :)

Later last night, my mom came over to babysit while Hubby and I went out to dinner. We had a lovely time just sitting and talking. I told him all about my plans to do Maile's workshop and we talked about how cool it would be to have my own business. He told me to go for it and that was such a relief. We haven't really talked about my photography at all. I'm reluctant to share it with everyone because I'm afraid they'll try to talk me out of it or not take me seriously. Last night I made the decision that I'm doing this, fulll speed ahead, with everything I've got. I signed up for a Photoshop class in March, I'm doing the workshop in May and until then I'm going to take pictures everyday. I'm gonna try and soak up everything I can at my job too.
After dinner we came home and watched Lost. Pretty exciting huh? Well, it was for me. My sister is coming over today to visit and I'm excited to see her.
I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day =!!!
Sounds like a fabulous V-day. Love those cookies. Man, I wish I made some.
The photography site is awesome. I wish I had myself some of those skills...anyway, good for you for going for it. You can do anything if you set your mind to it!!
Mmm, those cookies look yummy!
Good luck with the photography, you are very talented and I look forward to seeing where you go from here.
You will never regret going for it...
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