I'm choosing not to think about that though. I'd much rather dwell on the memories we've made in this house for the past 3 years. We've had some wonderful times here. Big J basically grew up here. When we moved in she was only 1. Now she's 4 and we have another baby. I can't help but feel sad. I know this is the right thing to do. We have to move. We have to start over and get our finances in order, once and for all.
Still, part of me is screaming inside. I hate change.
Anyway, here's a picture of one of my favorite memories. We live in a lake community. When it's not too cold outside, Big J loves taking a walk to the lake to see if there are any ducks.

I'm going to miss our walks. :(
P.S. I'm writing an article for my class about car seat sanity savers ~ things you can do to keep your baby happy while riding in the car. I was hoping some of you might have tips or tricks you might be willing to share for my story. Do you do anything special to keep your little one entertained in the car whether it be a quick trip to the supermarket or a road trip to grandma's? You can either comment or send me an e-mail to stacymae76@hotmail.com. Thanks!
Here's to fantastic new memories to cherish with the old.
Car seat sanity savers...I always kept certain books or small toys in the car--ones that stayed in the car so that they were a least a wee bit 'novel'. Stickers were a big thing for us, too.
I'm so sad for you, Stacy! I hope you make some wonderful new memories.
As for the car seat...we use the travel-sized AquaDoodle a lot. If the pen gets dropped, it's only water, so there are no stains.
Nice shot. Good luck in the move. I am sure you will make many more memories in teh new place.
Good luck with the move. You'll have new memories to make now.
As far as car seat savers, I'm definitely not an expert as my son is only 7 months old, however he has hated his car seat since day one. I think it's because in our car he can't see anything but the back of the seat. We had tried toys which worked until he dropped them. I finally stumbled upon a plan. I attach whatever toy is his favorite to a set of links and then hang the links from the garment hook. The chain is long enough that it is not swinging in his face but short enough that if he drops it, he can easily retrieve it himself. It has worked wonders and now he is a calmer baby in the car.
I hate change too. I also hate moving; a deadly combination. Beautiful picture in front of the lake, a nice memory. But now you have new ones to make!
As for car seat, when Harrison was an infant once in a while he would have melt downs in rush hour traffic, I'm stuck in the freeway. I would turn in the radio to the static between stations to calm him with the "white noise" or sing his favorite songs REALLY loud to him. Those were the day.
I'm sure you will make wonderful new memories wherever you land. I hate change, too, but when you have to do it...well, you just have to. Life is full of journeys. :) I hope your move goes smoothly!
I love that photo !! Beautiful with the sun shining from behind !
Road Trips ... portable DVD players are my lifesaver. We used to live way out in the outback of Australia and the drive to Grandmas was 24 hours. They got some good movie watchin' in during those times.
Another trick I do is eating in the car, rather than stopping to eat. We stop to play and stop to "go" but eating in the car seems to keep them occupied ...
As for quick trips to the supermarket, I just try to keep them entertained with conversation. Even the little ones. Point out interesting things on the trip. Play "I spy with my little eye." Play a CD and sing along.
That's a beautiful picture by the water. I love the sunlight glinting on the lake.
Change is often difficult but in the end, everything works out. :) Lots of luck with moving, it's a lot of work.
That's a great shot of her - she has a gorgeous smile! And I know what you mean about change...I HATE it, but I know it's necessary sometimes. Good luck with the move - I hope it exceeds all your expectations!
As for the car, I agree with the portable DVD player (which is also great for restaurants when you want some adult conversation). I have a basket of toys that always stays in the car - most of them are toys from kids meals, which I don't usually let them play with as soon as they get them. I grab them and stuff them away, and then change out what is in the basket every so often. The dollar store is another great place to find little trinkets to have for 'surprises'. If you are going on a longer trip, there are books that you can 'paint' with water, that change colors, then revert to black and white once they dry again.
beautiful picture. memories are special wherever we make them...
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