
The In-laws are Coming!

The day has finally arrived. My in-laws come home from Sicily tomorrow and they'll be staying put for the next 3 weeks.

I'm nervously anticipating their homecoming. What's it going to be like? Are they going to complain about everything? How the heck are we all going to share a bathroom? Are the girls going to wake them up in the morning? Is she going to mess with my laundry? Am I ever going to be allowed to cook? Oy!

If I don't post for the next few days you'll know why. Wish me luck!!


Christina said...

Eeek! Crossing my fingers for you!

Carolyn S. said...

Better you than me, good luck!

Ha ha the baby's face says it all.

Unknown said...

good luck!

That's exciting :) I hope everything goes well

Anonymous said...

It always gets crazy when you have visitors from out of town. Sounds like it will be fun!

Hope it works out okay!