I hope all you dads out there have a wonderful Father's Day!
I wish I was spending it with my father but my parents live about an hour away and now that Hubby is a daddy, I feel like it's his decision where we spend our time today. He asked me for breakfast in bed so J and I are going to make him banana pancakes.
Both of them are still sleeping so I finally have some time to catch up. It's so hard to keep this blog a secret. The minute I sit down to the computer either my husband or my daughter is whining for me to get off.
I imagine the summer is a hard time to do just about anything because our days will (hopefully) be filled with fun in the sun. I guess I'll have to stick to posting at night. Miss J has not been napping lately and that it really throwing me through a loop. She was always a good napper and when she does go down, it's still for about 2 hours. I cherish that time. I NEED that time and it's slowly slipping away.
Well enough of my babbling. I hope all of you wonderful ladies have a good day and we'll catch up tomorrow!
Mmmmmm....banana pancakes? I'll be right over. :)
I tried keeping it a secret, but in the end, the secret slipped.
I never should have worried though. My hubs, whom I love beyond reason, couldn't bear to be bothered by my blog.
(Gotta love that alliteration!) Apparently, I'm too wordy.
Have a great father's day!
Happy Father's Day to your hubby!
Yum! Banana pancakes! Excellent choice. I made breakfast for the hubby too but he just got the regular old multi-grain pancakes. I'll have to do banana next time!
"either my husband or my daughter is whining for me to get off."
Do they mean the same thing when they ask you to 'get off?' LOL.
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