At one point he got a ladder out of the garage and my daughter looked at him and said, "Now that's something you don't see everyday!!"
Here's my best shot for this dreary Monday. Big J decided to throw a party on Saturday for all of her favorite stuffed animals. She filled out invitations, made party hats and I even indulged her with a real chocolate cake. It was fabulous darling!

P.S. I just wanted you all to know that my post from Friday was all in good fun. I was being sarcastic. I actually did end up confronting my favorite co-worker yesterday. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.

those hats are just too cute...what an awesome little memory for you to cherish:-)
oh my gosh, how adorable!!
I just love it because we have one going on here RIGHT now.
what a fabulous party! I love it!
Looks like a fun party! Love the hats.
hats AND cake....i want an invitation to her parties! rockin....
How festive is the stuffed animal party! You're so great for playing along!
OMG so cute..just when I was going to get rid of some stuffed animals my daughter started to throw parties too. I love watching them in creative action!
That is too adorable! It looks like she throws a GREAT party!
What fun! My daughter also just planned one for her Cabbage Patch dolls (all 17 of them!!!)
Cute! I love that she made invitations and party hats. That is so fun!
I love the hats too! And all different sizes to fit the animals. How thoughtful. And practical :-)
Looks like you've got a great organiser on your hands there,
Great. Awesome Mom! Susiej
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