
The Beginning of the End

Okay so that's a little dramatic, but that's how it feels. We got an offer on the house. A ridiculously insulting offer. Here's the thing ~ we have to take it and it's making me so mad. If we don't sell this house soon we will be in serious trouble. So far we've been able to make our mortgage payments but only because my husband has taken money out of his 401K, which you're never supposed to do but we had no choice. As it is we're going to have to do a short sale because the price doesn't even cover what we owe. It's so sickening. We're not even going to get back what we paid. And we put so much work into this house. We added a whole other bedroom.

The house went up for sale in October and we've had tons and tons of people here. I've written about how stressful it's been. I guess I'm glad that it might finally be over, but part of me is terrified and sad. Just really, really sad. I like it here. I made friends here. Big J was supposed to go to Kindergarten here.

Now we have to move in with my in-laws. Ugh! Uck! Everytime I think about it I want to throw up. The only reason I agreed to it is because they will be leaving for Italy on April 21 and they'll be gone until September. Still, it's going to be a MAJOR inconvenience. The girls will have to share a room. We'll have to put most of our stuff in storage. Big J is in preschool here so now I'll have to drive like 25 minutes just to get her to school in the morning. Plus, my drive to work will double.

We're going to stay there for as long as it takes to pay off our debt. If we don't do it by the time they get back from Italy, my husband said we could rent something for a little while until we find a new house. I want to be optimistic, I really do, but I am so tired of moving. I just want to feel settled, especially now that we have 2 kids. Poor babies. They have no idea, but I feel bad.

Somebody please tell me it's all going to be okay. That's it'll all work out. I really need to hear that now.


@sweetbabboo said...

Ugh! That's absolutely terrible. I wish you all the patience in the world b/c you're going to need it. Thanks for sharing such wonderful pictures. They inspire me to take more of my son.

NH Yocal said...

I am sorry to hear this...but it WILL be okay. Don't give up and just keep your chin up. We all have to go through the bad times to get to the good sometimes.

Meg said...

Oh I'm so sorry. But let me tell you. When I lived at home still, my brother, his wife, and their toddler had to move in with us for many of the same reasons. They all had to share a room. It was tight and at times irritable, but it was the best thing for them to do. It enabled them to pay off debt and they went on to buy their own home. So I know it's going to suck big time, but I hope that you guys can get out of there quickly. And most likely your girls won't remember it.

Mama of 2 said...

I know that what you are facing is never easy (the moving in with the inlaws)...but my best suggestion is this....be gazelle intense in those months that they are in Italy and do your very best to get out of as much of your debt as possible. There is light at the end of the tunnel and I promise it's not an oncoming train.

Stacy said...

When I was 12 we lost our farm in bankruptcy. We had lived there for 9 years and it was hard to move. We got over it though in a short time. When we moved into that house, I was three and really only have maybe two memories of the previous house. Kids are pretty adaptable, so don't sweat it too much. ((hugs))