It's so crazy to think that 12 months ago I was getting ready to deliver this beautiful child into the world. I was a bundle of nerves, wondering what it would be like to add another baby to our perfect threesome. I was worried, I was anxious, I was scared to death. As with Big J, I went into labor right on my due date. Both kids were right on time, can you believe that?
For some strange reason my husband and I decided to have a couch delivered on my due date. The delivery men were here while I was in labor. I was pacing the house waiting for them to be done so we could high tail it over to the hospital.
I handled the pain pretty well considering the first time around they had to give me morphine. When I was finally admitted around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, I was 3 centimeters. Things progressed pretty quickly after that. I gave birth at around 8 o'clock that night.
It was the most wonderful thing in the world! I had an epidural when I delivered Big J, but it was so strong I didn't feel a thing. I pushed so damn hard, I tore every which way. This time, with Little J, I could feel what was going on. I could feel her come out of my body. It was so surreal! I felt much more calm, much more in the moment this time around.
I can't believe it's been a whole year since this little person has come into our lives. Some of it has been stressful, some of it has been frustrating, but all of it has been wonderful. Even when I'm at my wit's end about how to get my children to actually be in the same room together without screaming and crying, I feel blessed to have these two beautiful girls.
This past weekend we celebrated Little J's birthday. Here are a few more pictures to celebrate the big changes that are on the horizon.
For more on change, check out The Land of K.A.

11 comments: favorite age :)
Awww, how sweet. My baby turns 1 soon and I am so looking forward to cake face.
My niece turned one on March 9. She didn't like the cake as much as your baby did! :-)
nothing better than pics of baby's first cake -- very sweet!
First birthdays are so special. Happy birthday to her!! I love them all, especially the last one!
mmmmm....sweet babies and cake. is there anything better?
happy birthday!
Absolutely precious! Happy birthday to your little one!
Yes, you do have a lot on your plate, too, but look at that little cutie! What great pictures of precious. :)
First Birthday captured so perfectly! Happy Love Thursday! kt
So adorable !! I love first birthday cake all over the face shots !!
What a perfect post for change! And the pictures of little J are perfectly gorgeous, all of them! Happy Birthday little J!
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