My parenting philosophy involves putting children to work as early as possible. J is watering the new grass in our backyard.

On the menu for dinner: egg noodles and corn. Hey, I never claimed to be a gourmet cook. The important thing to notice is that the plate is full.

And now the plate is EMPTY!!! She ate all of the noodles! Yay!!

HEY! We have the bowl that matches that plate! I love the play area you set up...the ground and everything. I wish we had done that-but I am not certain we have enuf room come to think of it.
Looks super!
That looks like the most fun play area ever! My daughter always wants to water the flowers. Yay for J's love of noodles!
J is the cutest kid.
Great swingset -- you're going to get years of good use out of it. It won't be long before she learns how to swing on her own. And then watch out! After that she'll probably learn to jump from the swing mid-flight. Hopefully you have a couple of years before she starts that! ;)
Yeah for J eating her noodles. One step at a time, right?
Wow, she ate all of those!!! You guys are making so much progress. Hooray. And that swingset looks effin awesome, can I come over and play?
Woohoo! She seems to be doing well with the eating thing. You must be so happy.
BTW: that swingset looks like a kid's paradise! She'll be learning to pump by herself soon enough and save all those hours of you pushing...it's a great milestone to reach!
I'm so glad she ate all her noodles! Yay J! swing set looks nice!
Maybe playing on that really fun swingset worked up an appetite??? Looks like she had a really fun afternoon :)
That is impressive! And just today at the park I muttered "I hate these effing swings". If they were in my backyard? Gah.
Wow, she is doing SO well with the eating thing. Good for you both!
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