
Rainy Days

It's Saturday morning. The house is quiet. The rain is heavy. I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to do today.

I hate days like this. I prefer to have a purpose; a place to go, an errand to run. If I were smart or even just the tiniest bit motivated I would take some time to write. Alas, I'm neither, so I'll probably just sit here procrastinating. It really is what I do best.

My husband is going out for a few hours, leaving me here with a bored toddler on a soaking wet Saturday. Hmmmm, sort of sounds like a punishement, but that's not what I mean. I just hate lounging around all day.

My yard is flooding as I write this. The water has almost reached the back of the house and it's only 8:30 in the morning. I suspect we will all drown by lunch time.

I hope you're dry in your neck of the woods.


Anonymous said...

Being in California it is sunny and bright ... but that probably does not help ....

Hope you day gets better ... building a fort with Becca always makes me feel better!

crazymumma said...

Stuck inside the house with a bored toddler - that is soooo hard. We have had a rainy cold fall ourselves...hope it gets better.

Pendullum said...

Oh yeah... Bored toddler on a rainy day...
That is difficult... One time, and I may repeat one time... My husband convinced me to go on a business trip with him and our toddler...
My husband is a model maker for an urban planning firm... He worked day and night on this model... So, when he asked for all of us to go on this 'family' trip I jumped at the chance(how niave I was...)anyway,he was bagged from too many nights burning the candle at both ends... and here I was...foreign country... raining... toddler that was out of her enviroment no support... and having to keep away from the hotel as my husband needed to rest before his presentations...
It was heeeeeeellll on earth I tell ya... FOUR days of it...

Anonymous said...

sounds like a fantastic day to me! minus the bored toddler part! i guess i can still appreciate lounging around cuz my son's only 7 months. i don't really know what i'm gonna do once he starts understanding how lazy him mom really is!

Mama of 2 said...

I loved days like you talk about here that was until I had kids. Being stuck in the house with a bored 9 year old isn't my idea of a fun day by any means.
Neither is trying to run errands in the pouring rain with a toddler and 9 year old in tow. Not sure which is the lesser of the two.

I hope you weren't drowned too badly on Saturday by the downpour.

Mel said...

Did you live? Did you drown? How'd it turn out?
Man... cliffhangers.

Lisa said...

I rather like those lazy Saturday days... Congrats on the baby...

(THis is my first time at your blog. I really like it!)

Unknown said...

It was a bit rainy today- but our back yard didn't flood today- though it has been known to on those POURING rain kinda days...hope you didn't float away....

Sandra said...

Hey there. I hate rainy days. It is pissy here today.

Sorry I haven't been by in a while. I have been buried under a rock somewhere. Glad to be back to say hi ;)